A windswept spring day
stirs up nature’s longing,
the plants’ spewing
dusty yellow malehood
across our Valley
seeking a female ovule
with which to mate
to germinate
deep inside
the pounding head
of a happily childless dyke.
Hazel eyes burn and scratch
the nose
a hose
watering the sleeve
of my gardening dress.
Finally showered of pollens
exhausted, cranky
the last hoarded cans
of albacore tuna
are deemed necessary.
Packed in olive oil
tossed with celery leaves
pickled ramps
lemon mayo
slathered on rye toasts
with bitter garden chicories
and bacon fried to fatty
supper is made dinner
with Burgundy
the last bottle
from a long stashed case
reserved for
in case of emergency
#pollen #dujac #wineasantihistamine (at At Home in Napa)