…and I think I’M busy….
#bee #beekeeping @napavalleybeeco #backyardbeekeeping (at At Home in Napa)
The knife purchased
a lifetime ago
from a flea market
outside Paris
from an elfin woman
specializing in ancient tools
for the farm and
la cuisine.
Wooden boxes
splayed and overflowing;
bung hole drillers
leather cutters
of discipline.
from farm jetsam
lay an unusual knife,
the handle lifted above the blade
like a brick layer’s trowel.
Pour le miel,
for the honey
she said thrice.
With a haughty smile
and jaunty scarf
and tiny hands elaborating
slicing open the honeycomb,
ouvrir le nid d'abeille
liberating the honey.
Once belonging to a beekeeper
in Burgundy,
a friend of an uncle,
a likely story
for an over-eager foreigner
with USD.
The carbon blade and
turned walnut handle
in fine condition
from hundreds of years of
minding someone else’s
Buying a knife
before the hive,
the mis en place
before the honeybees,
a life glimpsed
it’s realized,
the desire to understand
before I’m able
to nurture.
#beekeeping #bee #backyardbeekeeping @napavalleybeeco (at At Home in Napa)
Locked inside
a wood and wire cage
buried deep in soft honeycomb,
a Pollack of nectar and honey,
paces a new virgin queen
to replace
the faltering first royal,
her genetic lineage
in question,
her weakness
threatening the health
of the colony.
a maintenance not uncommon
to marrying for title;
cold, calculating
in service
to genetics
to better battle
the underclass
of pestilence,
the Varroa mite.
Autumn’s Hope
in her prison
for four long days
being fed and fanned,
her new girlish scent
alerting the swollen hive
to her noble presence.
If accepted
rather than slaughtered,
she is released,
ascending the throne
amongst the throng;
her virginity
powdered, puffed
and prepped
for her maiden flight
to bee serviced
by randy drones,
amongst the last blooms
of fall’s garden.
If Autumn’s Hope
to find her way home,
her walk of shame
will not be
in party dress
and oversized sunglasses
but rather in
for she now bears
a lifetime of sperm
in her tiny abdomen
with which to fertilize
a lifetime of eggs.
So many variables,
possibilities for failure:
a hungry bird
unrequited lust,
a misdirected honing signal.
But I’ve made it this far,
and hopefully
so will she.
#bee #beekeeping #backyardbeekeeping #longmayshereign
(at At Home in Napa)
“There is a strange fact worthy to be mentioned which I have ascertained about the food of bees. There is a village called Hostilia on the banks of the river Po. The farmers of this settlement when the flowers of the neighborhood are over, place their hives on ships and take them during the night about five miles up the river. In the daytime the bees fly out and bring their booty to the ships, whose position is changed daily until it is noticed by the sinking of the ship lower in the water that the hives are full; then they are taken home and the honey is extracted.”
Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD).
#allium #bee #beekeeping #backyardbeekeeping (at At Home in Napa)
🐝 Day Five.
The new hive seems happy and adjusting well, furiously collecting nectar and building comb. My first nibble on their handiwork put me in mind of tasting wine in Alsace: distinct flavors of flowers and earth.
As noted in the bee book, the pollen from the calendulas we planted to herald their arrival has made its way into their hive.
Magical and meditative, I’m completely enchanted by their arduous daily ballet; I actually put a chair close to the hive to peep.
#bee #beekeeping #backyardbeekeeping
“Why am I just as happy as a child
Why am I like a racehorse running wild
Why am I in a state of ecstasy
The reason is ‘cause something’s happened to me.
I’m in love again, and the spring is comin’
I’m in love again, hear my heart strings strummin’
I’m in love again, and the hymn I’m hummin’
Is the Huddle Up, Cuddle Up Blues.”
Cole Porter must have been an apiarist.
#california #bee #beekeeping #backyardbeekeeping (at At Home in Napa)